Academy (7-12)
Located in Willow Springs, First General Baptist is the home of our Academy for our upper grades. Grades 7-12 meet four days a week (Monday – Thursday) at First General Baptist Church located in Willow Springs, MO.
In the Academy, grades 7-12 gather in a centralized upper school with specialized instruction. Debate and discussion are an important aspect of the classical model at this stage.
Dialectic (7th-9th grades) – Reasoning/Discussion Emphasis is on reasoning. Formal logic is coupled with debates and in-class discussion. This corresponds will to a natural tendency in students of this age to question, and argue about, everything.
Rhetoric (10th-12th grades) – Wisdom/Persuasion At this stage, an emphasis on public speaking and formal writing prepares students to communicate thoughtful conclusions and a growing individuality to others.
As we add grades and plan for the future, NCS has a plan to provide a very practical “hands on” education. We envision that such a plan would provide students grade 10 and up an opportunity to receive hands-on training in a trade or profession by working under trusted community leaders. This would be accomplished under expert supervision, as students learn under one of our partnering “work mentors.”